Dr. Sex Fairy

Ep. 127: Your Bigger, Badder, BawaBig Penis

Dr. Kanwal Bawa

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Today we are going to talk about how to make your penis not just big but BawaBig without surgery. This isn't just an episode for men. Women have a direct interest in this episode as well. I am the creator of the BawaBig method and on this episode we are diving deep into an often sensitive but incredibly important topic—penis enlargement. 

Is BawaBig non-surgical? How can you do it and go right back to work? How do penis implants work? Are they safe? What about non-surgical penis enlargement? Is it reversible? How is BawaBig different? Can you make a penis bigger with fillers? Can you make a penis longer? Find answers to all these questions and more on this episode of Dr. Sex Fairy.

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Welcome to Dr. Sex Fairy, America’s top-rated sexuality podcast. I am Dr. Kanwal Bawa, America’s favorite sex doctor, and I am here to transform your life. Today we are going to talk about how to make your penis not just big but BawaBig without surgery. This isn't just an episode for men. Women have a direct interest in this episode as well. I am the creator of the BawaBig method and on this episode we are diving deep into an often sensitive but incredibly important topic—penis enlargement. 

I hear psychologists talking about how women don't really care about penis size, but the studies beg to differ. Let's start with what research shows the average penis size to be. The biggest study ever done about penis size found that the average penis size is 3.6” or 9.16 cm flaccid, and 5.12” or 13.12 cm erect. A 2015 study titled Women's Preferences For Penis Size showed women 3D models of penises in various sizes, and found that the average woman wants a long term partner’s penis to be 6.3” or 16.0 cm long, with a circumference of 4.8” or 12.2 cm. For a more casual relationship, women want their men a little bigger at 6.4” or 16.3 cm long, with a circumference of 5” or 12.7 cm. Since the average penis size is 5.12” erect, I am sure that you see a bit of a problem. 

Men themselves want to be bigger. Common sense and research both tell us this. I can tell you that I see some men with large penises who come to my Boca Raton Florida office Bawa Medical from all over the world to make their large penis even larger. The assumption is that only a man with a small penis will want to make his penis bigger. This is clearly incorrect. I see everything from micro penises to porn star penises. 

I can promise you that every one of them wants to be bigger still, and many ask me how they compare to others. Frankly, I don't know what the fuss is all about. Doesn't a man have the right to choose what size his penis should be? If a woman can choose what size her breasts should be, and if labiaplasty is the most popular aesthetic genital surgery in women, why are people so sexist towards men? 

But first, don’t forget to subscribe whether you are joining me from YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify or any other medium, and don't forget to allow notifications so that you get this podcast as soon as it releases. Subscribing to this podcast and joining me for these insightful and interesting discussions is really going to transform not only your sex life, but also your outlook towards life in general. Let's look at today’s topic as an example. 

Penis size often surfaces in conversations about masculinity and sexual confidence. Studies and surveys consistently show that a significant number of men are want a bigger penis. The reasons behind the desire for penis enlargement are multifaceted. They range from personal dissatisfaction and insecurity to a desire to improve sexual prowess and partner satisfaction. This is not just about vanity; it is about the profound impact that self-perception can have on a person's overall happiness and quality of life.

Historically, men looking to increase their penis size had few options outside of invasive and risky surgeries. A penis implant can offer significant changes but come with dangers such as infections, nerve damage, and unsatisfactory results. The psychological toll, including regret and heightened insecurity, can also be substantial. Penis implants provide a solution for size enhancement but are not without drawbacks. They can sometimes be felt during intimate contact, potentially affecting the natural feel and experience during sexual activities. 

I have had many men come to my office because their partner feels the implant while giving them oral sex. If the aim is to enhance sexual experience and attraction, penis implants are often having the opposite effect. And if you decide later that you don't want the implant, there is nothing anyone can do. Penis implant surgery is irreversible. You will never have sexual function again if you try to remove the implant. Viagra, Cialis and other medications will not work for you. It is not as simple as removing breast implants in women. 

In response to the limitations and risks associated with traditional methods, I developed the BawaBig method—a pioneering approach that offers a safer, less invasive alternative to increase both penile and scrotal size. This technique combines the latest advancements in medical aesthetics, such as hyaluronic acid dermal fillers and platelet-rich fibrin matrix (PRFM), to enhance both the girth and, in some cases, the length of the penis. Everyone gets more girth with this procedure. Everyone. Most people have at least some increase in length but I never ever promise it. You can see the penis and scrotal enlargement before and after gallery on my website drsexfairy.com. You will see what I mean. 

Let’s now talk about how BawaBig works. The procedure involves the strategic injection of hyaluronic acid fillers directly into the penile tissue. These fillers are well-known in cosmetic medicine for their safety and effectiveness, providing immediate volume and structure, and are reversible. The PRFM, derived from a man’s own blood, is also introduced. This component utilizes growth factors that stimulate the natural healing processes, encouraging tissue regeneration and collagen production over time. The result? A bigger penis that looks and feel natural, without the risks and downtime associated with surgery. BawaBig is truly great! You have immediate results plus progressive improvement. 

Men notice an increase in size immediately after the procedure. Over time, the benefits are enhanced as the body produces new tissue and collagen. We don’t use silicone and other dangerous fillers, unlike several other providers. The treatment is non-surgical, with most patients able to resume their daily activities almost immediately. I do tell you to avoid masturbation, intercourse and sex toys for 2 weeks but you can go about your daily life immediately. 

You can literally do this at lunch time and go back to work. Moreover, my method is painless. The penis feels no pain. I know that you have difficulty believing this, but you will see that this is true. Another major benefit is that unlike implants, the enhancements achieved with BawaBig maintain the natural feel of penile tissue, which is a crucial aspect for many men and their partners. BawaBig is immediately reversible without surgery, and does not hurt erectile function unlike pens implants. 

The most significant benefit of BawaBig, is that a larger penis size can lead to improved self-esteem and a more satisfying sex life. Over the years, I have seen remarkable transformations in our Bawa Medical patients, not just physically but emotionally and psychologically. Men who felt held back by their insecurities report newfound confidence. They describe more satisfying relationships and a greater sense of well-being. They love walking on the beach in their swim trunks. They love wearing snug jeans. They also love the look of shock and awe when they take their pants off. 

I know that I have mentioned that this procedure is not painful but many people have difficulty believing that. Our numbing protocol ensures that you feel no pain. Another question that many people have is how long BawaBig penis enlargement lasts. The effects of the fillers are typically maintained for one to two years, but the collagen stimulated by PRFM can prolong these benefits long term. People also want to know if we can adjust their enlargement result, and yes, we absolutely can. Many of our patients increase their penis size even more when they come back for follow up. 

They may want a little more in one place or another, and we can do that for them without any problem. A great way to maintain penis size is my Dr. Sex Fairy brand US-made nitric oxide booster called Enhance. It helps increase blood flow to penises and vaginas, and to your skin, hair and nails as well. Increased blood flow means that your genitals get the nourishment they need to maintain and optimize genital health and size. 

As I wrap up today's episode, I want to emphasize that the decision to undergo any cosmetic procedure should be personal, well-informed, and supported by professional advice. At Bawa Medical, we are committed to providing that support, ensuring that every patient, male or female, makes the best decision for their body and their life. Thank you for joining me on this in-depth exploration of the BawaBig method. 

For more information or to schedule a consultation, please visit drsexfairy.com and fill out my contact form or call me at 1-877-DRSEXFAIRY. People travel to my Boca Raton, Florida practice Bawa Medical from all over the world and I can connect with you in person or over a video consultation or a phone call no matter where you are. There are several links to help you in the podcast description below, including a link for Dr. Sex Fairy Supplements. 

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